Sunday 12 June 2016

Fresh Strawberry Jam- No artificial preservatives

I fell in love with homemade jams on one of my trips to the hills. We were staying at a homestay in Tirthan valley(Raju Bharti's homestay,VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED). It was a gorgeous afternoon and I was hungry after a long walk along the river. I expressed my desire to snack to lady of the house and within minutes her son came with a tray full of goodies.

There was some piping hot tea, cookies, toast, butter and jam. It was the best jam I ever had so I went and asked her where they bought it from. That's when she shared her secret with me. She had made it and when asked for the recipe she gave me some brilliant tips along with the recipe.

Tip 1- The taste of your jam would depend on the freshness and taste of your fruit. The best fruit makes the most delicious jam.

Tip 2- In order to get those brilliant colors that the original fruit holds, cook your jam on a high flame and add a few drops of lemon juice as soon as you put the fruit on heat.

What you need for the jam is:

Strawberries- 1 kg
Sugar- 1/2 the quantity of strawberries
Lemon juice- 1 and half table spoon


Wash and chop the strawberries roughly, removing the leafs.

Place them in a heavy bottomed pan over heat and add the lemon juice.

Now add the sugar and let it cook, stirring occasionally.

Soon you will notice that the strawberries will start leaving water.

Keep cooking till all the water evaporates. Frequent stirring is important. You can also use this as an opportunity to breakdown the soft strawberry pieces with your spatula.
Alternatively, you can use an electric blender to blend the jam. I skip this step since I like chunks of fruit in my jam.

Tip 3- The test of jam if it is ready is, if you place a dollop on a plate and tilt the plate then the jam should not run.

 Your jam is ready.

Tip 4- Since the jam has no preservatives, it is best if you store it in sterilized glass containers and keep it in the fridge.

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